
Web, Design, and Lifestyle

Keep Doing, Stay Strong


For the past two months, I have been focused on developing our web service and sub-brand, SimpleTastes. This involves not only designing and creating websites but also considering, creating, and improving various aspects necessary for the service.

Where Ideas Come to Me

AEDI, Tips for Living

Eureka! Eureka! Do you have moments or places where ideas suddenly come to you? In this article, I will share the moments and places where ideas tend to come to me.

In the Green Breeze: Sakazu, Kurashiki, Okayama

AEDI, Photography

This morning, the weather was exceptionally good, prompting me to take my camera to Sakazu Park in Sakazu, Kurashiki, Okayama, where our company AEDI is also located, and capture the scenes.

SimpleTastes Logo and Key Visual

We have been preparing our new service since last month, and this time we are announcing the service name, logo, and key visual for this service.

Added 3 New Graphic Tees

We are excited to announce the addition of 3 new graphic tees to our online store.

New Graphic Tees

We added 9 new graphic t-shirts to our online shop. These shirts feature designs from our past work, including graphic designs, logos, characters, and illustrations.

Design Work Beyond Imagination


Over the past year into this year, I've had the opportunity to work on design projects that I never imagined before.

What I Value Most as a Web Designer/Graphic Designer


About what I consider the most important as a web designer/graphic designer right now.

Comparing Google Maps Using the Google Maps Embed API

Web Design

Comparing Google Maps using the Google Maps Embed API, which allows creating custom maps using parameters despite being free to use.

Expanding Nationwide from Kurashiki, Okayama through Web Design and Development: Leveraging Website to Expand Services Nationwide

Web Design

Our client, who has gained a considerable share in Okayama (ranking first in search results for both Okayama and Kurashiki), has developed a strategy on how to utilize their website to expand services nationwide.

Mini Blog: Writing with Coffee

AEDI, Web Design

I decided to casually jot down some thoughts about work and created a new mini blog site.

Mambo Still Life with Franchise

"Still Life with Franchise" is an art book packed with the history of Mambo, an Australian surf/street apparel brand, published by Mambo in 1998.

Changing the Property Values of the Decoding and Loading Properties Applied to WordPress Images

Web Design

Exploring the meaning of WordPress's automatic addition of decoding='async' and loading='lazy' to images, and considering changing them to decoding='auto' and loading='eager'.

Let’s Start from Small Things

Tips for Living

Let's start from small things. Just start anyway. Let's try what we want to do.

From Soja to Sasaoki and from Mizushima to Kojima


From Soja, Okayama, to Kojima, Kurashiki, in search of something specific. In Kojima, there was a sea that seemed as if it was visited and photographed for its beauty.

Design of Invoices, Estimates, and Related Documents

AEDI, Graphic Design

We have redesigned the templates for transaction documents such as invoice, estimate, delivery note, receipt, purchase order, and cover letter for AEDI.

AEDI Online Shop beta – Issues with WooCommerce

AEDI, Web Design

We have transitioned our website's online shop, AEDI Online Shop, from the alpha phase to the beta phase.

New Year’s Greetings 2024


New Year's greetings: Best Wishes for the New Year

AEDI Online Shop Alpha Version

AEDI, Web Design

We are excited to announce the launch of AEDI's online shop, now in its alpha version.

T-Shirts and Sweatshirts Born to Be Loved

Can we sell it? Can we buy it? Can we wear it? We designed T-Shirts and Heavyweight Sweatshirts that were born to be loved.

As a Web and Graphic Design Company in Kurashiki, Okayama in 2024


We recently had a meeting at a client's office in Kurashiki, Okayama, and received a significant report. Inspired by their words, I contemplated the upcoming year for AEDI.

Excluding/Removing Specific Tags in WordPress

Web Design

Excluding specific tags from the tag list with the_tag seemed challenging. However, I figured out a way using get_the_tags, and I wanted to share it with you.

What We Want to Achieve with Our New Website


It's been a week since we launched our new website. During this week, we've been tirelessly tweaking settings, making adjustments, and adding new content to the site.

August 22, 2023, 14:40 – Reflecting on This Blog


About this blog. As we revamp our website, we’re contemplating what kind of content and topics to write about on this blog. It’s currently August 22nd (Tuesday), 2:40 PM, and I find myself in a family restaurant in Mizue, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. Why, you might wonder? Well, sitting in front of my computer at the usual workspace wasn’t yielding any ideas today. Inspiration wasn’t descending from the heavens, and I found myself just staring at the monitor.

How to Display Custom Post Type as a Dropdown Field in Contact Form 7

Web Design

When using WordPress custom post types for website development, there are instances where you might want to dynamically display a list of custom post type titles within Contact Form 7 forms, such as contact forms, order forms, or other types of forms, allowing users to make selections. In this guide, we will achieve this without using additional plugins. We'll demonstrate how to display a list of custom post type titles in a dropdown format using the SELECT (select box) element within Contact Form 7.

Participating in Disaster Volunteer Activities in Mabi, Kurashiki


On July 12th and 13th, 2018, I took part in disaster volunteer activities in Mabi-cho, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. It had been approximately a week since heavy rain warnings were issued, and upon arriving in the local area of Mabi-cho, Kurashiki City, I witnessed the aftermath of the floods, which was more severe than anticipated, leaving me deeply aware of the extent of the flood damage.

The Source of All Abundance Lies Within You

Book, Tips for Living

There’s a widely known figure in the spiritual realm named Eckhart Tolle, who authored a bestselling book titled “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.” This book, which sold a staggering 5.8 million copies in the United States, has left a significant impact. I personally purchased this book nearly a decade ago (according to the publication date in my copy, it was first published on October 25, 2008) and have revisited it recently after spotting it on my bookshelf.

246 by Kotaro Sawaki


Around three years ago, at the end of October in 2014, I made the decision to relocate my base of operations from Tokyo to Okayama. I had already shipped my office and household belongings to Okayama, and there I stood at Tokyo Station with a large backpack on my back and a small carry-on in hand. 246 was the book I purchased at Tokyo Station's kiosk for entertainment during my Shinkansen ride back to Okayama from Tokyo.

Making Chance Your Ally

Tips for Living

The other day, I happened to come across a YouTube video of a lecture by the novelist Yoko Ogawa titled "Literature in Life Project." As I watched, she shared some fascinating insights. She talked about how the background story of her book "Kotori" (Little Bird) was a product of chance.

Just Do Something Anyway. Chase It. Seek It. Take Action.

Book, Tips for Living

This is an article about the content of the book “How to Get Ideas” by Jack Foster, a person who worked at a major advertising agency in the United States. The book was translated into Japanese by Tsukiko Aoshima. Our company name was inspired by this book, as we decided to choose a name related to ideas. The book is about “how to generate ideas,” presented in a structured manner through numerous episodes and anecdotes.

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