Logo Design - Work


A small logo shop where you can easily purchase logos.

Fukuoka Marufuku Suisan Logo

A simple and impressive logo mark selected from nearly 190 design proposals, depicting the world's oceans, waves, and seafood.

Hope Real Estate Logo Mark

Simple and cute. A captivating and adorable logo mark.

Nakagawa Kitchen Logos and Labels

A logo that represents the world of Nakagawa Kitchen.

AND – Italian Japanese Restaurant Logo, Shop Card, Business Card and Menu

Incorporating the restaurant's concept into the logo design.

AEDI Motion Logo

Expressing the origin of the company name through animation.

Sanyo Chiken Logo

Expressing the business domain of Sanyo Chiken through the logo.

Ghost 2048 Websites, Characters, Mobile App/Mobile Game UI and Logo

A visually captivating and passionately crafted mobile game app.

B.Continue and the Group Company/Organizations Logos and Business Cards

A logo mark representing hope, energy, and the network of a group.

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