Web Design - Work


A small logo shop where you can easily purchase logos.

Shinryo Industrial Co. Website and Business Card

Corporate website for a robust and reliable business with a specialization in job recruitment, project achievements, and SEO.

Falto Website

Multilingual corporate website with extensive project portfolio.

AND – Italian Japanese Restaurant Website

Incorporating the restaurant's concept into the logo design.

The First – E-commerce Website Theme

Simple and clean design. Essential and sufficient features.

AEDI Motion Logo

Expressing the origin of the company name through animation.

Sanyo Chiken Website

Branding and SEO. Transitioning from a static website to a dynamic website.

The First WebVR Project

Simple WebVR experience.

Kamogata High School Website

A high school website striving to be the best in Okayama prefecture in terms of content, design, and functionality.

Soeno Dental Office Website

An easy-to-understand and friendly website for a dental clinic in a welcoming neighborhood.

Ghost 2048 Websites, Characters, Mobile App/Mobile Game UI and Logo

A visually captivating and passionately crafted mobile game app.

Fermented Barley Extract Information Website and The Character

A character-driven portal site/owned media that creates approachability.

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