Copywriting - Work

Fukuoka Marufuku Suisan Products Catalog 2022-2023 Second Edition

Not just a mere revised edition, but as a new product catalog.

Fukuoka Marufuku Suisan Products Catalog 2022-2023

A compelling product catalog that captures attention.

Nakagawa Kitchen Brand Poster

Expressing the brand through taglines and visuals.

Fukuoka Marufuku Suisan Brand Poster

Capturing history, future, and expansiveness through photography and message.

Nakagawa Kitchen Premium Organic Series Food Catalog Vol. 2

The second installment of our premium organic frozen food catalog.

Nakagawa Kitchen Premium Organic Series Food Catalog Vol. 1

Catalog design for premium organic frozen foods.

Nakagawa Kitchen Food Catalog 2020-2021

A catalog that conveys deliciousness, a catalog that reflects the taste.

Shinryo Industrial Co. Website and Business Card

Corporate website for a robust and reliable business with a specialization in job recruitment, project achievements, and SEO.

FALTO The Works Brochure

A simple and minimalist brochure showcasing construction achievements.

AND – Italian Japanese Restaurant Website

Incorporating the restaurant's concept into the logo design.

The First – E-commerce Website Theme

Simple and clean design. Essential and sufficient features.

Sanyo Chiken Website

Branding and SEO. Transitioning from a static website to a dynamic website.

Kamogata High School Website

A high school website striving to be the best in Okayama prefecture in terms of content, design, and functionality.

Ghost 2048 Websites, Characters, Mobile App/Mobile Game UI and Logo

A visually captivating and passionately crafted mobile game app.

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